The loss of someone we love by a violent crime brings with it the termination of so many different things. Plans that were once made now have to be changed or set aside altogether. Dreams and hopes have been shattered. It may appear that life will never have meaning again. Violent Crime Victim Services is reaching out to co-victims of homicide in need of support. We fulfill the promise of treating co-victims with respect, identifying and meeting their needs, and helping them seek justice.

Our Mission

Violent Crime Victim Services seeks to provide services in our community for co-victims of homicide. We endeavor to act as an advocate for these families by offering them peer support groups, peer court support, crisis intervention, mental health referrals, and faith community referrals.

At VCVS,  we believe advocacy is vital to ensure that co-victims receive their constitutional rights, due dignity, and respect, and have a meaningful role in the criminal justice system.


As a co-victim, have you ever wondered if the feelings you are experiencing are natural? Are there others who can understand what you are going through?

Watch this video as co-victims share their heartbreak. Learn how VCVS walked with them through their pain, and how they are finding hope and healing as a result.

Coping With Traumatic Death: Homicide

If you have experienced the death of a loved one from homicide, this book is for you. By including the experience of a father as he coped with the murder of his daughter, Carmon, this book takes you through the first few days, weeks, months, and years.

Coping With Traumatic Death: Homicide

By Dr. Robert Baugher, Ph.D and Lew Cox